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Theory and Practice

A quick post to share with you an event that I've been invited to speak at. The Program on Governance and Local Development at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg are holding their 4th Annual Conference. As a part of that event, I will contribute to the first workshop titled V I O L E N C E , O R D E R , & S P A C E

My experience has led me to understand that, 'There is not enough practice informed theory, and painfully little, theory informed practice in the sectors of Governance, People and Space. Therefore, I would like to invite people to subscribe and attend the conference, there are some very interesting contributors delivering a fine variety of knowledge and explorative research.

The Program on Governance and Local Development’s Fourth Annual Conference has invited researchers from different universities to present and discuss findings relating to this workshop’s theme: Governance, People and Space. This year, the workshops will be taking place as online seminars every second week throughout the fall and will be 1.5 hours long each. The conference aims to examine how governance mechanisms and outcomes vary across differences in people (e.g. gender, ethnicity) and space (e.g., neighborhoods, villages/cities, and other spatial contexts). We consider governance by both state and non-state acts and institutions and have welcomed proposals from both scholars and practitioners seeking to understand how processes and practices of governance differ across these spatial and demographic arena and the extent to which these arenas intersect.

F.M.H..... MLitt Peace & Conflict, Msc Architectural Conservation BA (Hons) Int. Architecture; MCSD, PgC TLHE
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